
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not a very crafty weekend......

I've been kind of distracted over here getting my Etsy shop loaded up (expect 2 new charm necklaces this week) so I didn't have much time for crafting or DIY this weekend. We did have some solid family time which is always amazing. Ain't life grand!?? Let's all have a wonderful & productive week, k!? Ha ha ;)


  1. hello, gorgeous! look at your hair- i am so jealous! it's beautiful!!! i mean, you're not bag quality, but pretty close. ;)

  2. Glad you had some family time....that is the most important time!

  3. What a beautiful family!
    Good luck setting up the Etsy Shop :) I love looking there for gifts, the heart ornaments were a hit this xmas!

  4. Even though you didn't do much crafting, doesn't it feel good knowing you filled your Etsy shop....It's one of those things I tend to avoid even though it should take priority seeing that it is income....

    I know you have pictures of you and your family posted here and there and I always thought all of you were so cute, but this picture is posted is just fabulous....

    It makes me realize we haven't taken a picture of our family in a while...Guess I better get on that!

    Take care,


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