
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yippee, I LOVE IT!

The love affair started when I found this frame. You can't tell from this horrible before pic how big this baby is, but she's a biggie. I seriously LOVE her (& her $11 thrift store price tag too).
I am all for a gaudy gold frame at times, but my plan for this one was w.h.i.t.e. oh yeah! Here's the space above my bed that need a serious pick-me-up. So bland and boring and definitely missing that certain something.
SHA-BAM! I'm jumpin' on the chevron bandwagon and I think I'm in love!

The colors are so bright and beautiful! Perfection! Not for everyone, but definitely for me! (Heather Bailey Pop Garden Zag Stripe in Peach purchased at IN LOVE!!!
I smile every time I walk in my room. Maybe it won't continue to be no-man's-land for much longer. a + j = LOVE! (all I did was staple gun the burlap banner in place on the back of the frame, then stapled the panel of fabric over it. that's it. Super duper easy).


  1. yippee... i LOVE it, too!!! i love that idea- so fun and cute!

  2. How cute! I love it too. . . Great idea. Thanks for sharing. Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your comment. I think you are right I need to hang it! Thanks, I appreciate the feed-back. Have a geat day and be sure to stop by again. I definately will be back to check things out on your blog. Karie

  3. I love this. Might have to copy!

  4. Such a fun piece!

    Hopping over from the Sunday blog parade.

  5. Cute! I love the little banner with your initials on it.

  6. Love, Love, Love this!!! Thank you for the nice comments on my Doily Wreath! ~Christina

  7. This is sooo cute... and the banner is the perfect touch!

  8. Very cute!! I love the punch of color in the chevron pattern! How fun!! What a fun way to add some 'pop' to your room!!

    Keep up the great work!
    Thanks SO SO MUCH for joining my linky party! We have the Sunday Blog Parade every sunday, so stop by, link up and spread the word!

    Lindsay@ A Design Story


I think I'm a comment-a-holic :)