
Friday, February 4, 2011

V-Day Decor

FIRST: Go over to Cassie's blog to see some fancy & familiar stuff :) woohooooooo!

Ok, back to V-Day!
I'm trying to keep it simple around here and sprinkle some light touches of Valentine's Day around our house. Our countdown is in full effect and {LOVE} day is right around the corner.
I had planned on filling my glass vases with conversation hearts so the white candles wouldn't be all blah and lonely in there, but I never got around to it and have moved past the urge to do it. Maybe next year. Maybe I'll get some on clearance this year and spray them with some sort of sealer so they'll be all ready for next year. Hmmm, I wonder if that would work. Anyway...
My friend gave me her leftover scraps from this awesome glittery card stock that she got at Michael's. I cut out some hearts, hammered on some metal rivet thingys and strung them on baker's twine. I love it ;)
I added some hearts to my winter branches (the branches I stole from the park and sprayed white).
I just used a small heart punch to punch out the hearts and then glued on some turquoise yarn to the back so I could hang them up. Simple and sweet.

I had some leftover hearts so I strung them up on pics of my kiddos.

My burlap banners in my etsy shop weren't selling, so I claimed this one for my own. It found a new home on our front door (secured with magnetic hooks...our door is metal).

I made another glittery heart banner for the guest bathroom (& threw in a pink candle and pink hand soap to match).
Pink glittery hearts with turquoise baker's twine for hanging. Pretty.
"Hi everyone, happy Friday!!"That's about it. I'm almost done making-over my claw foot stool from the flea market so I'll share pics when I'm done. Happy weekend :)


  1. Wow Ali, you have certainly inspired me to do some kind of Valentine's decorating at our house! We don't usually do anything, but your decorations are fabulous! I love your glittery heart garlands and that burlap banner is gorgeous!!! Enjoy your sweet hearts. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ~ Tina xx

  2. WOW! it all looks amazing! i just cut some hearts today out of some paper i had on hand to make a garland, but it is not going to be as awesome as that glittery aqua one... i LOVE it! i love the 4 off center, too- what a great idea!
    and how cute are you waving in the mirror!
    oh, and my fave picture is that second one with the black dresser- it looks amazing with the light shining in from the left- great photo. happy weekend! i am raising my (oops- it's already empty!) wine glass to you!

  3. I love all your Valentine decor! Everything looks fabulous! I have some twigs I stole too...I might have to paint them white like yours! Luv that!

  4. Hello Ali;
    ...just find my way here, lots of lovely things. Brilliant hearts banner, love them.
    Will take some branches in my garden and paint them in white too!
    Have a nice week_end and a great Valentine Day!
    Greetings from France

  5. I love all of your Valentine's decor. Very fun and festive! What a fun banner hanging on your chalkboard above the black buffet. I know you mentioned yours banner were not selling in your shop. By chance do you still have any?

  6. I just found your blog through the Sew Chatty linky party. I'm hooked. Your V-Day decor is lovely. I especially like the burlap garland. I can't imagine why they weren't selling because I think they are adorable.


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