
Friday, July 15, 2011


While I was at swimming lessons today with the kiddos, a woman sitting near by struck up a conversation with me. This is how it went:

Her: How old are your brother and sister?

Me: My sister is 32, and my brother is 29.

(She looked at me with a confused look on her face)

Her:"Oh, sorry, I meant your younger siblings."

(Now I had a confused look on my face. Then she gestured toward the pool)

Me: Oh, those aren't my younger siblings, those are my kids.

Her: No!!?? Really!!?? You must have been really young when you got started, huh??

Me: Um, well, no, not really. I think I was 27 when I had my son, and 30 with my daughter.

Her: Oh my gosh, I'm so embarrassed. I totally thought you were like 23 years old, at the most.

LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!! Ha ha!
Happy Friday :)


  1. You girl, just found a new best friend!!

  2. Oh that is awesome. What a compliment!!

  3. Wow!!! What a great compliment! But what a bummer for Lisa...I guess that makes her your older sister by about 9 years ;)

  4. that is awesome! If you continue this streak, you may even get carded the next time you go to the liquor store...woo hoo!

    Have a great weekend Ali....


  5. Haha this made me laugh out loud. :) I got offered a children's menu and crayons when I was 20. That was...different. :)

  6. that is awesome! i am sure you left there feelin good and thinking "oh yeah, i still got it!":)

  7. that is so cool!!! I used to get upset when people thought I was younger then I am. But since having kids I take it as a compliment!!

  8. So awesome sister!! :) and you do look that young and adorable (if I do say so myself - haha!!)


  9. Oh, that's a GOOD, GOOD story! :)

  10. HAHA! LOL. That is freaking awesome. You and your twin don't look a day over 23. xo


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