
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holiday Boutique Re-cap

Hi Friends!! It is raining cats and dogs over here in SoCal. It feels very "Fall/Winter" and I love it. We have the fireplace going and it is all cozy and warm up in here :)
I just wanted to pop on and give a little recap of my fun weekend. As many of you know, yesterday my sister and I sold our crap...I mean crafts and flea market finds at our friend's Holiday Boutique. We had a GREAT day, made tons of sales, and met some really great people! Here are some pictures for ya :)

Lisa and I brought our leftover stuff from the flea market we did a few months ago. We sold a lot of this crap (I mean treasures, ha ha).

We priced everything "to sell" because Josh would not be happy if it all came back to live in our garage :)
I sold my black caned chair (*sigh*). I love this chair but didn't have room for it. Luckily one of my sweet friends bought it so I know it will be well cared for :)
Here's a few shots of my table inside...
I brought along some craft kits from my sis-in-law's shop. They were HOT sellers too :)

Here are some pics of the other vendor's tables. All of the women that sold stuff were super nice and we all had a great time hanging out together.

Pam was making the most ADORABLE sock monkeys! Lisa and I bought the gray one with white polka dots for baby Oliver :)
Tracy makes the sweetest vintage inspired dresses for little girls. She also recently started blogging so I will back another time to share the link with you. She is very sweet and super talented!
The hostess (my friend and hair dresser Cathy) was taking orders for custom stockings, pillows, burlap banners, and Santa Sacks. SUPER cute!!!

There were a few other vendors too. I traded one of the other girls for one of these adorable mason jar snow globes. Isn't it adorable!!?? I just saw these featured in Country Living magazine. They have them at Anthropology :)
She was also making Organic jam so we brought home a jar for Josh. It's super yummy!!!

Cathy set out coffee and sweets for the shoppers (& vendors, ha ha)
I even managed to sneak away for a bit to go to another flea market down the street with my sister in law. She came up to check out the sale and we snuck away for a bit and got some treasures. This is what I got:

This old stool/plant stand. I love how rustic it looks. I may paint this guy a chippy red. Thoughts??
here's the top...
I also got this adorable vintage dress for Hayden for $5!!

Isn't it precious!? We are having our family pictures taken in a couple weeks. Picture this dress with some tall boots and a cute little beanie cap. SO cute :)

My last treasure was this cute yellow metal bucket thingy...
I think I will get a lot of use out of this little guy and for $2, I couldn't pass it up :)

All in all it was a GREAT event & we had a blast!!!
Happy Turkey week everyone :)


  1. the setups are all so cute!!! am so glad it was a success for you and lisa! and all the other goodies look so amazing, too! and awesome finds at the flea market after, too! looks like we both had some good finds this weekend! miss you and counting the days til may!

  2. Super cute set up! Wish I could have been there to snatch up those treasures :)

    Pamela @

  3. How pretty everything looks! Your table looks great and your tree is adorable with your pom pom ornaments! Your sister is a doll pregnant! I love those sock monkeys! Glad you had a fun day and sold lots.

  4. Oooooh, so many treasures sold and bought! Sounds like alot of fun. Love that stool and I think it would look great red and chippy. Go for it! And Hayden's dress is too darling!

  5. YAY!!! So glad it was a success!! The whole boutique looks adorable! And those finds are fab. Can't wait to see the family photos. Miss you!!

  6. That looks like so much fun! Yea for selling lots of your treasures!!


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