My crafting/diy mojo is still lagging. I have a few projects that I could work on, but I'm feeling seriously blah and unmotivated. Not too sure why, but hopefully it passes soon. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my little nephew Oliver (due Feb 15th) and I find myself feeling nostalgic about my own little babies. Being almost 6 years old and almost 3 years old makes them most certainly NOT babies anymore :( Just thought I'd post a few pics of my little bugs when they were tiny. I miss squeezing them and I fear that poor little Oliver will most definitely suffer because of this. I'll try not to squeeze him too hard ;)
Sweet baby Noah...
And my beautiful baby girl Hayden.....
{sigh} These pictures put the hugest lump in my throat. It's not that I'm unhappy with where we are now. It's just....I don't know. It all just goes way too fast.
WARNING OLIVER: When you get here, you will be smothered with loved and squeezed so tightly by your auntie that you may not be able to breath for a second. I'll try my best to control myself, but I can't guarantee anything.