Happy Friday friends!!! I plan to resume with my Friday's Etsy Faves post next week, I've been lagging on my Etsy browsing lately but plan to get back to it soon. We are preparing for a rainy weekend here in SoCal and my kids are getting the house ready. First, I know I have never really done a "home tour" on this blog. Honestly, my house is just never ready for a tour. Ha ha. Take my word for it. Maybe someday I will get my act together. Anyway, we have kind of a strange layout in our house. There is a random open "den" in the center of the house and then the rest of the rooms go around it in a loop. Random? Random. Noah and Hayden, on the other hand, think it is awesome!
Here is why (pic from my front door):
(living room on the left, "den" on the right, kitchen straight ahead).
See that train track on the ground?? I will be stepping over it ALL weekend long. Let's follow it.
If you notice, the covered bridge is preventing me from opening our pantry door all the way. Not frustrating at all....nope. NOT AT ALL. Moving on...
Rounding the corner and down the hall towards the bedrooms. The first door on the left is the bathroom, and the next door is the master bedroom. On the right is a broom closet and the furnace.
Turn the corner again...
This is the hall that leads to the kid's rooms and the garage. First Hayden's door on the left (not pictured), then Noah's comes next, then the garage is straight ahead. Last turn around the corner....
Back into the "den" and back to the beginning. That's it. Our loop. Such a strange layout, huh?! Like I said, a rainy Saturday is in the forecast so this train track will stay around for a while. Noah gets so proud of himself that he can make the track go ALL the way around the house. Ha ha, silly boys!
I stopped by my florist (aka Trader Joe's) and bought these to brighten up my gloomy weekend :)
...and these.
And while my kids got the house ready for their version of rainy day fun, I spent my time writing the rainy day rules on the wall....
Ha ha! We shall see how it goes!
Happy weekend everyone! Make it a happy & safe one :)