
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Family FUN on the Farm...

Earlier in the week, my mother in law treated us (along with my sis in law and her kiddos) to a day on the farm. Tanaka Farms is a local organic farm that has daily tours and tasting. YUM!!! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure :)

Miss Hayden decided that she had to wear her bright blue berry pickin'  boots ;)

Before we started Strawberry picking, we got to taste a few other things that they grow on their farm (carrots, green beans, onions, snap peas, etc).

The most fun part was the actual strawberry picking though. YUM YUM YUM! There weren't any pesticides so we got to eat them on the spot (& we each got to take home a one pound container full of red juicy strawberries). Mmmmmmmmm.

It was a perfect SoCal day and we all had a blast!!!!!! Thanks Grandma, let's do it again :)


  1. that looks like my kinds of fun!!! and you are seriously like the hottest mom ever! love those shades!

  2. Yay for Grandmas! It looks like you guys had a fabulous time :) Are you going to make something fun with your bucket of strawberries???

  3. What a fun outing! I love doing things like that! Hope to do some berry picking of my own this summer. yum!

  4. I love this post!! Btw, I love that you shop at Hanna Anderson, too. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  5. Looks like a very fun day! Have you eaten all of those strawberries? They look delicious. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


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