
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Union Jack {LOVE}

Happy Memorial weekend everyone!!! My sister, hubby, and I spent all day yesterday helping my mom move (read more about how fun it was on my sister's blog...Ugh). No seriously, I really really love my mom and never mind helping her. Even if it is hot, exhausting work. Anyway, today the kids and I are hanging around the house, playin' in the yard and enjoying some much needed relaxation. I even managed to squeeze in a project. Here is the before picture of a random box I got a my local thrift store for $5.

BEFORE: (icky)

If you know me at all, you know that I see potential in everything! This random country kitsch box with fruit on it was full of potential in my "trash to treasure" mind. I didn't get any photos during the transformation, but I hope the after shots blow you away. Drum-roll please.....................


Look at all this shabby goodness! Oooooooooooooh, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Ready for an extreme close up!!!

I think I'm in {LOVE}! Likey?????
I just loosely painted the graphic on with craft paint, and then went to town with my sander once it was completely dry. I wanted it to look super worn and aged and beautiful. I'm usually a Frenchy  kind of gal, but today, the Brits own my heart :)


  1. that turned out so cute!!!love the distressing
    excellent job.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! It turned out fabulous!

  3. OMG! I LOVE!!! Your distressing is awesome!! Are you keeping it or selling at the flee market? It would be really hard for me to give that one up! lol!

  4. yes! ypu did an amazing job with the distressing!!! i love it!!!

  5. Well after living in England for 4 years and becoming immersed in the culture (accent and all), I am head over heels in love!! It's awesome Ali!!!!

  6. You have some mad skills my friend! Great job!!!

  7. This came out awesome! I love how weathered it looks.

  8. I love this. I need a tutorial. When is our next craft day??


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