
Monday, May 28, 2012

Vintage Sheet Wreath - from MD to CA

Happy Memorial Day people! My flag is flying high outside today. I am proud to live in this wonderful country and call it my home.

I am back from MD and settling in nicely. A few of my breakables didn't survive the flight home (Southwest is not so gentle with checked baggage apparently) but most of my treasures made it through the adventure. RIP Reamer and Angel :(

Moving on.
When I arrived at Cassie's beautiful house, I immediately got settled in to her beautiful guest room. I unpacked my clothes into the gorgeous chalk painted vintage dresser and made myself right at home. Shortly after, Cassie came in and uttered words that made me happier than a bird with a french fry.

"Anything you want to use out of my craft closet, feel free. What's mine is yours."

H*ly Cr*p!

I stood there a bit stunned in front of the 2 big closets filled to the brim with goodies.

"I may need a few minutes to think about it............uhh.........uhhh....WOW."

Seriously people, angels sang when the closet doors opened. I will never be the same again.

First on my Cassie's craft supply agenda was to make a vintage sheet wreath. She had recently made one of her own so the tutorial was fresh in her mind. Take a look here to see hers. is mine (hanging on her beautiful turquoise door)!!!
All of the supplies previously lived in her wonderful closet of happiness. Well, OUR wonderful closet of happiness (hee hee). The perfectly perfect summery patterned vintage sheet, the pretty layered canvas flower, and a ball jar filled with buttons and baubles.

After a bumpy ride in the baggage compartment, this beauty made it all the way to CA in one piece. Here is where she lives now :)

You can also see below on the mantle some of my new milk glass pieces. Milk glass is super sturdy and not one piece broke in transit. Yay!

I tried to move the clock and fill in with more milk glass. I couldn't make it work though because I kept looking there for the time and getting annoyed that the clock wasn't there. Do they make milk glass clocks?? Hmmm. haha!

I'm still sprinkling some of my new finds around and have a couple projects to work on. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and have a fabulous week ahead of you!

Happy happy Memorial Day!


  1. it is AWESOME. it looked pretty good on my door- just sayin'. :) it looks perfect in your home, too. but if you come back what is mine is still yours. come back! i miss you!

  2. Love the wreath, it's so cute! And that stinks about the reamer and angel, boo :( Glad you had such a fun trip!

  3. Bummer about the reamer and angel :( but that wreath is AWESOME! I'm with Cassie, come back...we miss you!

  4. I love the wreath, but where you put it is even prettier!! Everything looks so fresh and summery!!

  5. Darling wreath/mantle! That milk glass is perfect...Sorry a few things did not make the flight, better luck next time! Enjoy settling back in to Cali.......thanks again for sharing your trip with us!

  6. Love that wreath! So bright and summery! I'm a new follower from Cassie's blog!

  7. You lucky duck! Love love love the wreath and it looks freaking amazing on your mantle!

  8. Ali, you are just too crafty! I love it. Waiting for our turn to copy the wine and design, hee hee!


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