Hayden turned 4 and we had a FUN girly birthday bash for her. It was awesome!!!
My sweet Hayden wanted an Ariel party. We got the Ariel invitations, I ordered the under the sea bouncy house, I put out some shells and starfish. And, that's where the "Ariel" theme ended and my vintage garden party began. See, a couple months ago, I made these cute buntings with Hayden's party in mind. Mismatching vintage fabrics :)
As you can see, they don't exactly fit in with her "under the sea" theme. Well, since she is only turning 4, I figured this would be the last time I have the ability to (steamroll) influence my sweet girl and I took full advantage. While she got her mermaid invitations, shells, and bouncy house, I got my garden party too :) Win win.
Here are some pics for ya!
(balloon cake topper idea courtesy of the one and only Martha Stewart)
Special thanks to my sister for pulling off the balloon cake topper at the last minute as I was frazzled and trying to get everything ready. lol. U rock sis!
I set up a painting table for the girls since Hayden is VERY into art right now.
Along with the vintagey bunting (hung using tree stakes from the garden center at Lowes), I used golf tees and stuck clear balloons (bubbles) in the grass around the craft table (thank you pinterest). See, the girls are painting (my) garden party paintings "under the sea" Lol.
I ordered the cute aprons from Oriental Trading Company, along with the paint pallets, and then got the canvases and brushes at Michael's (with many trips and many coupons - lol).
After painting, it was time for some bouncing :)
Giggles, squeals of laughter, and a few tears from time to time. Bouncy house perfection if you ask me :)
After bouncing - dessert!
And last but not least, gifts. She got some seriously cute stuff! It was so fun to watch the kids crowd around her with excitement as she opened each one :)
Each girl left with a swag basket filled with girly goodies (necklace, shades, lip gloss, hair ties, a wand, candy etc). I got the super cute berry baskets on Etsy here.
handmade hair ties made by yours truly...
She woke up this morning and was so happy to open all her new stuff and has been playing with it non stop. She is super excited to now have an American Girl Bitty Baby from one of her very special besties. She named her Lala :)
Such a lucky lucky girl!
Happy #4 baby girl. I love you the super duper mostest! XOXO
Happy St.Patty's everyone!