Well folks, here we are. DAYS before Christmas and just look at my 2010 Poinsettia. Boo hoo! We have been having a huge rain storm here in SoCal and last night was the one that did her in. High winds and heavy rain. She hung in the best she could but in the end, the storm won. I guess I'll have to try again next year. Darn you mother nature!

In other news, I got all of my wrapping done in advance (n-e-v-e-r happened before in this house). Plaid paper packages tied up with ribbon....these are a few of my favorite things!


The final days before Christmas are upon us people!! Are you done shopping?? Have you wrapped?? I love all the chaos that comes with this time of year (I know, I'm probably alone in this love affair). Ha ha.
poor poinsettia...I kill everything regardless of rainstorms! lol! I love your wrapping paper and tree!