Happy Tuesday everyone!? Today I am a happy girl. I am a happy girl for many reasons. One, my hubby took Noah to school this morning and Hayden to the gym with him so I could have some much loved alone time. Two, because after we pick up Noah from school we are headed to Disneyland with my inlaws and sis in law and her family to see all the fabulous Halloween decor and go on some rides (this is the first year that DLand has gone all out for Halloween). And three, I finally got some new bedside table lamps and I am in LOVE! Ok, first I will show you a pic of my old lamps (please note that I had these lamps in my college apartment over 10 years ago. they were originally purchased at Ross for $19.99 each). oops. disregard the messy dresser top in the background please.

The lamps weren't hideous, and pretty stylish for a college kid I must say. BUT, they are definitely not my current style and not the look I am going for in my bedroom. You can see in the pic below my attempt to give them a makeover. The budget is seriously tight right now so I was trying to upcycle them and make them "work."
My plan was to spray the base shiny gold (I know some of you are not gold people, but I totally am) and find some long narrow white drum shades to go with them. Problem! Long narrow white drum shades that fit these lamps (they have that skinny chandelier type bulb) don't exist. Trust me. Ugh!
So, several trips to all places that sell lamps....Target, Ross, Marshall's, Home Goods, etc and I finally found some I loved that were in the budget (not according to my hubby, but he would prefer we read by candle light rather than pay money for new lamps).
I'm thinking they kind of resemble the Daniella lamp from Ballard Designs ($219 each)....
or even the Louisa lamp ($329 each)...
My new lamps were marked $29.99 each, plus I had a $10 rewards certificate to redeem putting my new fabulous lamps at $25 each. BAM! take that Ballard!!!!!
(oh yeah, and you can see in the above pic that I got the final throw pillow to finish up my bedding ensemble. Look back at the pic of my room with the gold lamps and you can see the random white one I threw in for the pic).
I found this matching tan pillow with pretty script on it. The finishing touch. The last piece to the puzzle. Yay, yay, yay!
Big picture again.....