My hubby is such a patient man and really let Noah do a lot of the work. It's very sweet to watch them in action.
Next it was time for the little guy to help me make it pretty. Combine a boy's dream with a mommy's need to make everything pretty and you have pure magic! (please forgive me my cluttered's....yeah. It's.......there are no words).
In my efforts to amp up the cute factor, we needed fabric. I had this old white cotton curtain panel laying around so I put it to good use.
I snipped off those tabs, taped on some stripes, got out my craft paint and got to painting.
Wallah! Sunny yellow stripes! Do you know what it's going to be???? Drum roll pleae..........
Ta-daa!!!!! A Sunny lemonade stand for our young entrepreneur. Our boy LOVES lemonade stands and has wanted to have one for a long long time. Every time kids are having one at the park near our house, he begs and begs to have one of his very own. We figured, who better for him to serve sweet lemonade to than our loving family and friends at Hayden's party.
Hand painted stripes, pom poms, hounds tooth ribbon. Just {DREAMY} for this party planning, detail obsessed mama.
I staged it quickly for these photos, and no, the lemonade stand will not be a permanent fixture in our kitchen. For the party it will go in our backyard (weather permitting of course). AND, this is definitely Noah's lemonade stand and while his plastic toy cash register wasn't cute enough for these photos, it will most certainly be in full effect on the party day so he can "ring people up" and make change. He's classic that boy, classic! I plan to make little baggies of quarters for our guests to buy lemonade with (don't worry, we won't be making our guests buy their beverages with their own money, ha ha). I'll have tons of pictures of Noah's lemonade stand in action after the birthday bash, but I thought I would give you a peek at our recent masterpiece. Martha Stewart, watch out!! Isn't it cute!!?? I think I'm in love :)
Oh yeah - and to make the banner, I just cut squares from the left over fabric with pinking shears. I hand painted some yellow polka dots first, and then free-handed the letters with black craft paint. Next I used my glue gun to glue the squares to some twine. Then, I hot glued mini clothespins to the top of the posts so I could clip the banner on. Easy Peasy People!