I've been working on a few small projects for the flea, as July 3rd is rapidly approaching. Here's the before of this pretty French side table that I got at a thrift store for $10.
I wasn't too sure about how the leather panels on top would turn out, but I figured for $10, it was worth some experimenting. Here's the after:
The leather panels took the paint just fine. I did some mild distressing along the edges although it's hard to see in the pics.
(please disregard our dead grass. My hubby sprayed it to kill all the crab grass and other weeds to get ready for fresh sod. Uh-oh, I 'm going to have to find somewhere else to paint very soon).
Oh, and Noah was dying all day to check something off of our summer list so we had a fun pizza picnic last night. Check!
Happy happy weekend :)
2024 home project recap
22 hours ago
It looks so pretty! Wish I could make it to the flea market although I think your booth would blow my budget!!! And yay to pizza picnics! We do a lot of those in the summer!
ReplyDeletethis turned out really cute. there has been one in my thrift store and i didnt buy it i was unsure but i like the way yours turned out so i think i will be picking this table up.
it looks awesome! i love french pieces in black- it immediately makes them sexy and sophisticated!
ReplyDeleteand the picnic looks so fun!
I love it!! It looks great! And yay for the cutest niece and nephew around!! I love when they eat! ;) xo
ReplyDeleteI've seen those types of tables all over thrift stores, but I've never given them a second look. They look so dated! But yours looks totally hip and modern! Great job :)
ReplyDeleteAnd the pics of the kids having their pizza picnic is super cute! What a fun idea. And I love that Noah gets a kick out of crossing things off the list. It sounds like he'll keep you on track ;)
I want one of those tables!! I love yours! Your pizza picnic looks like fun!
ReplyDeleteYour table turned out beautifully, Ali. Your kids are so adorable!
ReplyDeleteOoh, that black table is totally your style...I hope it goes to the flea rather than finding a comfortable spot in you home!
ReplyDeleteThe kids are to darn cute!
Hope you had a great weekend...
Love it! Featuring this on my FB page tonight! Thanks for linking up! http://www.facebook.com/SewChatty
ReplyDeleteOK amazing find!